
本个人隐私政策主要向您介绍讯小通个人隐私政策(以下亦称“本政策”)相关说明,我们深知个人隐私对您的重要性,也感谢您对我们的信任,并会尊重您的隐私。请在向讯小通提交个人数据之前,详细阅读、了解本政策全部内容。 您同意该《个人隐私政策》,即视为您已经阅读并同意本政策的全部内容,如果您不同意本政策的条款,应停止使用服务。














1. 个人数据的范围


a) 在您注册讯小通账户时,您提供的个人数据;

b) 讯小通因为您访问和使用我们服务而接收并记录的您的相关信息,包括但不限于您访问的网页记录、访问日期和时间、软硬件信息(OS版本信息、讯小通版本信息、设备ID、设备类型、GPS信息)、网络信息;

c) 您与我们互动或因使用服务或获得支持和帮助时提供的个人数据;

d) 讯小通通过合法途径从商业伙伴处或第三方取得的数据。例如在法律允许的情况下,我们会从公用和商用第三方来源获取有关数据来支持我们的服务。

e) 个人常用设备信息(包括硬件型号、设备 MAC 地址、操作系统类型、应用列表(应用名称、应用包名、安装时间)及进程信息、唯一设备识别码 IMEI/AndroidId/OAID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID、SIM 卡 IMSI 信息等在内的描述个人常用设备基本情况的信息);个人位置信息(包括行程信息、精准定位信息、经纬度等);个人设备权限信息(包括相册、相机、麦克风、通讯录、日历等信息)。


2. 非个人数据范围


a) 在使用我们提供的服务时您所发布、公布的信息;

b) 讯小通已对您采取的包括但不限于违反法律法规规定或违反讯小通政策的处理措施等相关信息;



3. 个人数据的使用


a) 用户身份识别(在职员工、离职员工、一般用户)

b) 向您发送信息通知;

c) 开展内部审计、数据分析和研究,改善我们的产品和服务;

d) 分析业务运营效率并衡量市场份额;

e) 改善我们的防损和反欺诈计划;

f) 遵从和执行适用的法律法规要求,相关的行业标准或我们的政策;

g) 其它为向您提供服务而需要使用您个人数据的情形。



a) 根据法律法规的有关规定,或者应行政或司法执法及监管机构的要求,向第三方或者行政机关、司法机构、执法机构或监管机构披露;

b) 如您出现违反所适用的法律、法规或者讯小通服务协议或相关政策的情况,需要向第三方披露;

c) 为向您提供或因您使用您所订购或要求的产品和服务,而需要向第三方披露;

d) 其它讯小通根据法律、法规或者网站政策认为合适的披露,例如出于执行条款与条件或为阻止人身、财产损失或非法行为的目的;

e) 除非得到您的许可,或本政策约定的其它情形,或因该第三方作为讯小通的服务提供商/分包商/授权中心向您提供服务,讯小通不会向无关第三方提供、出售或出租您的个人数据。

f) 在某些管辖区,如果涉及到重组、合并或破产或清算,可能需要披露您的个人数据;

g) 网络链接信息可能被用于网络攻击检测;

h) 在诉讼、仲裁等法律或争议解决程序中。


1. 讯小通重视个人数据的安全。我们采用适当的物理、管理和技术保障措施来保护您的个人数据不被未经授权访问、披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。例如,我们会使用加密技术确保数据的机密性;我们会使用保护机制防止数据遭到恶意攻击;我们会部署访问控制机制,确保只有授权人员才可访问个人数据;以及我们会举办安全和隐私保护培训课程,加强员工对于保护个人数据重要性的认识。我们将会在达成本政策所述目的所需的期限内保留您的个人数据,除非需要延长保留期或受到法律的允许。我们会尽力保护您的个人数据,但是请注意任何安全措施都无法做到无懈可击;

2. 尽管有前述安全措施,但妥善保管您的账户及密码及其他信息的安全是您的责任和义务,因您未能保管好账户和密码而导致的法律责任由您全部承担;

3. 如果发现您账号或密码被他人非法使用或有使用异常的情况的,应及时通知讯小通,您可要求讯小通采取措施暂停您账户的登录和使用。

4. 如不幸发生个人信息泄露等安全事件,讯小通将依照适用的法律法规的要求,以公告或邮件、短信等适当方式,向您和或主管机关告知数据泄露事件的相关信息。如果因完全归因于讯小通的原因造成您的个人信息泄露,在讯小通确认相关数据泄露事件及根因后,讯小通将尽合理努力不迟延地向您发送数据泄露的通知。

5. 我们收集和产生的个人信息将存储于中华人民共和国境内,不会将上述信息传输至境外。

四、 如何访问或修改您的个人数据

1. 您应确保提交的所有个人数据都准确无误。讯小通会尽力维护个人数据的准确和完整,并及时更新这些数据。

2. 为遵守适用法律的明确要求,您可能(1)有权访问我们持有的关于您的特定的个人数据;(2)要求我们更新或更正您的不准确的个人数据;以及(3)依照法律规定要求我们删除您的个人数据。如果您想行使相关的权利,请发送邮件通知我们。为保障安全,您可能需要提供书面请求。

五、 第三方提供商及其服务

1. 为提升客户体验或为使您更好的使用服务,您可能会收到来自讯小通以外的第三方提供的内容、网络链接、产品和服务(下文简称“第三方内容”)。讯小通对此类第三方内容无控制权。您可选择是否访问或使用第三方内容。

2. 讯小通无法控制第三方的隐私和数据保护政策,此类第三方内容不受到本政策的约束。在向第三方或通过第三方内容提交个人信息之前,请参见这些第三方的隐私保护政策。

六、 您的个人数据的保存

1. 为了保障您的信息安全,我们在收集您的信息后,将采取各种合理必要的措施保护您的信息。例如:个人重要资讯加密存储、API加密传输、访问权限矩阵管理、重要信息查询需进行二次验证。同时,我们建立了相关内控制度,对可能接触到您的信息的工作人员采取最小够用授权原则;对工作人员处理您的信息的行为进行系统监控,不断对工作人员培训相关法律法规及隐私安全准则和安全意识强化指导。

2. 在用户使用讯小通服务期间,我们会持续保存用户的个人信息。


七、 用户的权利



八、 权限的收集






九、 本政策如何更新



1. 在您接受讯小通任一服务的情况下,本政策构成该服务的协议关系(无论协议以口头、书面或其他方式达成)的组成部分并应与相关服务协议一并考虑。在此情况下,除非相关服务协议明确予以排除其适用,本隐私协议的法律条款应得到优先适用。

2. 个人信息因为讯小通需要遵守法律要求、不可抗力因素、技术限制等客观原因而不幸泄漏的,讯小通不应对于用户因此可能遭受的损失承担赔偿责任;在有明确可归责的第三方的情况下,讯小通将协助用户向第三方追究责任。如果讯小通违反了法律要求,公司或者有关责任人员,应该依法承担相关法律责任。但在索赔发生当时法律未禁止的任何情况下,就基于本政策和相关服务协议的约定的索赔而言,除非经证实讯小通违反了法律强制性规定或者对于造成损失存有故意或重大过失,讯小通对于用户因为个人信息泄漏遭受损失的赔偿责任以补偿用户的实际损失为限(任何无法证实或未经证实的损失或不合理的相关费用或支出均不得被认定为实际损失),且不得超过讯小通实际收到的相关服务收费的两倍。在无法区分具体服务或讯小通并未对服务进行收费的情况下,讯小通在上述单一违约投诉/索赔事件的责任限制以人民币1000元为限。上述赔偿承诺是基于用户自身并无过错的假设。如果用户对于损失有过错,则应相应减轻或免除讯小通的责任。为避免争议,如果用户未能及时地通知讯小通或采取其他可合理期待的止损措施,对于可能因此扩大的任何后续损失讯小通有权主张免于承担赔偿责任;讯小通不对用户的纯粹的精神损害承诺进行赔偿。






本個人隱私政策主要向您介紹訊小通個人隱私政策(以下亦稱“本政策”)相關說明,我們深知個人隱私對您的重要性,也感謝您對我們的信任,並會尊重您的隱私。請在向訊小通提交個人資料之前,詳細閱讀、了解本政策全部內容。 您同意該《個人隱私政策》,即視為您已經閱讀並同意本政策的全部內容,如果您不同意本政策的條款,應停止使用服務。














1. 個人數據的範圍


a) 在您註冊訊小通帳戶時,您提供的個人數據;

b) 訊小通因為您訪問和使用我們服務而接收並記錄的您的相關信息,包括但不限於您訪問的網頁記錄、訪問日期和時間、軟硬體信息(OS版本信息、訊小通版本信息、設備ID、設備類型、GPS信息)、網絡信息;

c) 您與我們互動或因使用服務或獲得支持和幫助時提供的個人數據;

d) 訊小通通過合法途徑從商業夥伴處或第三方取得的數據。例如在法律允許的情況下,我們會從公用和商用第三方來源獲取有關數據來支持我們的服務。

e) 個人常用設備信息(包括硬件型號、設備 MAC 地址、操作系統類型、應用列表(應用名稱、應用包名、安裝時間)及進程信息、唯一設備標識符 IMEI/AndroidId/OAID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID、SIM 卡 IMSI 信息等在內的描述個人常用設備基本情況的信息);個人位置信息(包括行程信息、精准定位信息、經緯度等);個人設備權限信息(包括相冊、相機、麥克風、通訊簿、日曆等信息)。


2. 非個人數據範圍


a) 在使用我們提供的服務時您所發佈、公佈的信息;

b) 訊小通已對您採取的包括但不限於違反法律法規規定或違反訊小通政策的處理措施等相關信息;



3. 個人數據的使用


a) 用戶身份識別(在職員工、離職員工、一般用戶)

b) 向您發送信息通知;

c) 開展內部審計、數據分析和研究,改善我們的產品和服務;

d) 分析業務運營效率並衡量市場份額;

e) 改善我們的防損和反欺詐計劃;

f) 遵從和執行適用的法律法規要求,相關的行業標準或我們的政策;

g) 其它為向您提供服務而需要使用您個人數據的情形。



a) 根據法律法規的有關規定,或者應行政或司法執法及監管機構的要求,向第三方或者行政機關、司法機構、執法機構或監管機構披露;

b) 如您出現違反所適用的法律、法規或者訊小通服務協議或相關政策的情況,需要向第三方披露;

c) 為向您提供或因您使用您所訂購或要求的產品和服務,而需要向第三方披露;

d) 其它訊小通根據法律、法規或者網站政策認為合適的披露,例如出於執行條款與條件或為阻止人身、財產損失或非法行為的目的;

e) 除非得到您的許可,或本政策約定的其它情形,或因該第三方作為訊小通的服務提供商/分包商/授權中心向您提供服務,訊小通不會向無關第三方提供、出售或出租您的個人數據。

f) 在某些管轄區,如果涉及到重組、合併或破產或清算,可能需要披露您的個人數據;

g) 網絡鏈接信息可能被用於網絡攻擊檢測;

h) 在訴訟、仲裁等法律或爭議解決程序中。


1. 訊小通重視個人數據的安全。我們採用適當的物理、管理和技術保障措施來保護您的個人數據不被未經授權訪問、披露、使用、修改、損壞或丟失。例如,我們會使用加密技術確保數據的機密性;我們會使用保護機制防止數據遭到惡意攻擊;我們會部署訪問控制機制,確保只有授權人員才可訪問個人數據;以及我們會舉辦安全和隱私保護培訓課程,加強員工對於保護個人數據重要性的認識。我們將會在達成本政策所述目的所需的期限內保留您的個人數據,除非需要延長保留期或受到法律的允許。我們會盡力保護您的個人數據,但是請注意任何安全措施都無法做到無懈可擊;

2. 儘管有前述安全措施,但妥善保管您的帳戶及密碼及其他信息的安全是您的責任和義務,因您未能保管好帳戶和密碼而導致的法律責任由您全部承擔;

3. 如果發現您賬號或密碼被他人非法使用或有使用異常的情況的,應及時通知訊小通,您可要求訊小通採取措施暫停您賬戶的登錄和使用。

4. 如不幸發生個人信息洩露等安全事件,訊小通將依照適用的法律法規的要求,以公告或郵件、短信等適當方式,向您和或主管機關告知數據洩露事件的相關信息。如果因完全歸因於訊小通的原因造成您的個人信息洩露,在訊小通確認相關數據洩露事件及根因後,訊小通將盡合理努力不遲延地向您發送數據洩露的通知。

5. 我們收集和產生的個人信息將存儲於中華人民共和國境內,不會將上述信息傳輸至境外。

四、 如何訪問或修改您的個人數據

1. 您應確保提交的所有個人數據都準確無誤。訊小通會盡力維護個人數據的準確和完整,並及時更新這些數據。

2. 為遵守適用法律的明確要求,您可能(1)有權訪問我們持有的關於您的特定的個人數據;(2)要求我們更新或更正您的不準確的個人數據;以及(3)依照法律規定要求我們刪除您的個人數據。如果您想行使相關的權利,請發送郵件通知我們。為保障安全,您可能需要提供書面請求。

五、 第三方提供商及其服務

1. 為提升客戶體驗或為使您更好的使用服務,您可能會收到來自訊小通以外的第三方提供的內容、網絡鏈接、產品和服務(下文簡稱“第三方內容”)。訊小通對此類第三方內容無控制權。您可選擇是否訪問或使用第三方內容。

2. 訊小通無法控制第三方的隱私和數據保護政策,此類第三方內容不受到本政策的約束。在向第三方或通過第三方內容提交個人信息之前,請參見這些第三方的隱私保護政策。

六、 您的個人數據的保存

1. 為了保障您的信息安全,我們在收集您的信息後,將採取各種合理必要的措施保護您的信息。例如:個人重要信息加密存儲、API加密傳輸、訪問權限矩陣管理、重要信息查詢需進行二次驗證。同時,我們建立了相關內控制度,對可能接觸到您的信息的工作人員採取最小夠用授權原則;對工作人員處理您的信息的行為進行系統監控,不斷對工作人員培訓相關法律法規及隱私安全準則和安全意識強化指導。

2. 在用戶使用訊小通服務期間,我們會持續保存用戶的個人信息。


七、 用戶的權利



八、 權限的收集






九、 本政策如何更新



1. 在您接受訊小通任一服務的情況下,本政策構成該服務的協議關係(無論協議以口頭、書面或其他方式達成)的組成部分並應與相關服務協議一併考慮。在此情況下,除非相關服務協議明確予以排除其適用,本隱私協議的法律條款應得到優先適用。

2. 個人信息因為訊小通需要遵守法律要求、不可抗力因素、技術限制等客觀原因而不幸洩漏的,訊小通不應對於用戶因此可能遭受的損失承擔賠償責任;在有明確可歸責的第三方的情況下,訊小通將協助用戶向第三方追究責任。如果訊小通違反了法律要求,公司或者有關責任人員,應該依法承擔相關法律責任。但在索賠發生當時法律未禁止的任何情況下,就基於本政策和相關服務協議的約定的索賠而言,除非經證實訊小通違反了法律強制性規定或者對於造成損失存有故意或重大過失,訊小通對於用戶因為個人信息洩漏遭受損失的賠償責任以補償用戶的實際損失為限(任何無法證實或未經證實的損失或不合理的相關費用或支出均不得被認定為實際損失),且不得超過訊小通實際收到的相關服務收費的兩倍。在無法區分具體服務或訊小通並未對服務進行收費的情況下,訊小通在上述單一違約投訴/索賠事件的責任限制以人民幣1000元為限。上述賠償承諾是基於用戶自身並無過錯的假設。如果用戶對於損失有過錯,則應相應減輕或免除訊小通的責任。為避免爭議,如果用戶未能及時地通知訊小通或採取其他可合理期待的止損措施,對於可能因此擴大的任何後續損失訊小通有權主張免於承擔賠償責任;訊小通不對用戶的純粹的精神損害承諾進行賠償。





Thank you for downloading and using the Talk123 mobile software!

This personal privacy policy mainly introduces you to Talk123's personal privacy policy (hereinafter also referred to as "this policy"). We are well aware of the importance of personal privacy to you, and thank you for your trust in us, and will respect your privacy. Please read and understand all the contents of this policy before submitting personal data to Talk123. If you agree to the "Personal Privacy Policy", you are deemed to have read and agree to the entire content of this policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this policy, you should stop using the service.

This policy explains how Talk123 handles your personal data, but this policy may not cover all possible processing scenarios. Information about the specific data collected by the Talk123 service is published by Talk123 in its supplementary policy or in the notice provided when it collects the data.

The purpose of this policy is to help you understand the following:

1. How to collect and use your personal data

2. How does Talk123 disclose your personal data

3. How to protect your personal data

4. How to access or modify your personal data

5. Third-party providers and their services

6. Storage of your personal data

7. The rights of users

8. Collection of permissions

9. How to update this policy

10. Legal terms

1. How to collect and use your personal data

1. Scope of personal data

Personal data refers to information that can be used to determine personal identity when used alone or in combination with other information, including but not limited to:

a) The personal data you provide when you register for an account with Talk123;

b) Information about you received and recorded by Talk123 because of your access and use of our services, including but not limited to the webpage records you visited, date and time of access, software and hardware information (OS version information, Talk123 version information, Device ID, device type, GPS information), network information;

c) Personal data provided when you interact with us or use services or obtain support and assistance;

d) Data obtained by Talk123 from business partners or third parties through legal means. For example, where permitted by law, we will obtain relevant data from public and commercial third-party sources to support our services.

e) Personal common device information (including hardware model, device MAC address, operating system type, application list (application name, application package name, installation time) and process information, unique device identification code IMEI/AndroidId/OAID/IDFA/OPENUDID/ GUID, SIM card IMSI information, etc. that describe the basic situation of personal commonly used equipment); personal location information (including itinerary information, precise positioning information, latitude and longitude, etc.); personal device authority information (including photo albums, cameras, microphones, and address book) , Calendar and other information).

Under normal circumstances, you do not need to provide personal data to browse the public information of Talk123. In order to provide you with services, Talk123 will protect, use and disclose your personal data in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy. For service purposes, if you provide the name, gender, certificate type and certificate number, date of birth, nationality, email address, telephone number, contact address and postal code required for registration or subscription in a voluntary manner or upon request , The desired service or preference information, customer code, and other similar personal data, it means that you have understood and accepted the collection, protection and use of your personal data by Talk123 in accordance with this privacy policy.

2. Scope of non-personal data

Non-personal data includes but is not limited to:

a) The information you publish and publish when using the services we provide;

b) Relevant information that Talk123 has taken against you, including but not limited to the handling measures that violate laws and regulations or violate Talk123's policies;

We will try our best to isolate your personal data and non-identifying data, and use these two types of data separately. If personal data is mixed with non-identifying data, it will still be treated as personal data.

Without Talk123's prior consent, you should not provide us with personal information that Talk123 has not explicitly requested and that may cause Talk123 to be subject to additional legal obligations in addition to this policy.

3. Use of Personal Data

We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

a) User identification (current employees, former employees, general users)

b) Send you information notifications;

c) Carry out internal audits, data analysis and research to improve our products and services;

d) Analyze the efficiency of business operations and measure market share;

e) Improve our loss prevention and anti-fraud plan;

f) Comply with and implement applicable laws and regulations, relevant industry standards or our policies;

g) Other situations where you need to use your personal data in order to provide you with services.

2. How does Talk123 disclose your personal data

Talk123 promises not to sell your personal data without your prior consent. News Talk123 will use the personal data you provide in accordance with this policy within the scope permitted by law. However, Talk123 may provide your personal data to these departments in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, judicial agencies, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies or government departments; or disclose it in litigation, arbitration or other legal or dispute resolution procedures; or in Talk123. When Tong has reason to believe that it is necessary to do so to protect the interests of Talk123, customers or the public, it may also disclose certain personal data to the smallest possible extent. When you provide personal data, you understand and agree that Talk123 will use or provide your personal data to third parties in certain situations, including but not limited to the following situations:

a) According to the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, or at the request of administrative or judicial law enforcement and regulatory agencies, disclose to third parties or administrative agencies, judicial agencies, law enforcement agencies or regulatory agencies;

b) If you have violated applicable laws, regulations, or Talk123's service agreement or related policies, you need to disclose it to a third party;

c) In order to provide you with or because you use the products and services you have ordered or requested, you need to disclose to a third party;

d) Other disclosures deemed appropriate by Talk123 in accordance with laws, regulations or website policies, such as for the purpose of enforcing the terms and conditions or preventing personal, property damage or illegal behavior;

e) Unless you have your permission, or other circumstances stipulated in this policy, or because the third party serves as a service provider/subcontractor/authorization center of Talk123 to provide services to you, Talk123 will not provide services to unrelated third parties Provide, sell or rent your personal data.

f) In some jurisdictions, if it involves reorganization, merger or bankruptcy or liquidation, it may be necessary to disclose your personal data;

g) Network link information may be used for network attack detection;

h) In litigation, arbitration and other legal or dispute resolution procedures.

3. How to protect your personal data

1. Talk123 attaches great importance to the security of personal data. We adopt appropriate physical, management and technical safeguards to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. For example, we will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data; we will use protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on data; we will deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal data; and we will organize security and privacy protection Training courses to strengthen employees’ awareness of the importance of protecting personal data. We will retain your personal data for the period required to achieve the purpose stated in the policy, unless it is necessary to extend the retention period or is permitted by law. We will try our best to protect your personal data, but please note that no security measures can be impeccable;

2. Despite the aforementioned security measures, it is your responsibility and obligation to properly keep your account, password and other information safe, and you shall bear all the legal liabilities caused by your failure to keep your account and password;

3. If you find that your account or password has been illegally used by others or have been used abnormally, you should notify Talk123 in time, and you can ask Talk123 to take measures to suspend the login and use of your account.

4. In the unfortunate event of a security incident such as a personal information leak, Talk123 will, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, notify you and or the competent authority of the relevant information about the data breach by means of announcements, emails, text messages, and other appropriate methods. If your personal information is leaked due to reasons that are entirely attributable to Paper Talk123, after Paper Talk123 confirms the relevant data leakage incident and the root cause, Paper Talk123 will make reasonable efforts to send you a notice of the data breach without delay.

5. The personal information we collect and generate will be stored in the People's Republic of China, and the above information will not be transmitted overseas.

4. How to access or modify your personal data

1. You should ensure that all personal data submitted are accurate. Talk123 will try its best to maintain the accuracy and completeness of personal data and update these data in a timely manner.

2. In order to comply with the express requirements of applicable laws, you may (1) have the right to access specific personal data we hold about you; (2) require us to update or correct your inaccurate personal data; and (3) We are required to delete your personal data in accordance with the law. If you want to exercise related rights, please send us an email to notify us. To ensure safety, you may need to provide a written request.

5. Third-party providers and their services

1. In order to improve the customer experience or to enable you to use the service better, you may receive content, network links, products and services provided by third parties other than the China Unicom (hereinafter referred to as "third-party content"). Paper Talk123 has no control over such third-party content. You can choose whether to access or use third-party content.

2. Talk123 has no control over the privacy and data protection policies of third parties, and such third-party content is not subject to this policy. Before submitting personal information to third parties or through third-party content, please refer to the privacy protection policies of those third parties.

6. Storage of your personal data

1. In order to protect your information security, after we collect your information, we will take all reasonable and necessary measures to protect your information. For example: the encrypted storage of important personal information, the encrypted transmission of API, the management of access authority matrix, and the inquiry of important information require secondary verification. At the same time, we have established a relevant internal control system, adopting the principle of minimum sufficient authorization for staff who may have access to your information; systematically monitor the staff’s handling of your information, and continue to train staff on relevant laws and regulations and privacy security Guidelines and safety awareness enhancement guidance.

2. During the user's use of the Talk123 service, we will continue to save the user's personal information.

Please note that Talk123 currently only supports logging out on the mobile phone.After you voluntarily cancel your account, we will stop providing products or services to you, and delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with legal requirements.

7. User's rights

You can log out of the account of Talk123 through "My-Settings-Permanently cancel account".

Please note that Talk123 currently only supports logging out on the mobile phone.After you voluntarily cancel your account, we will stop providing products or services to you, and delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with legal requirements.

8. Collection of permissions

In the process of providing services to Talk123, we will call your main device permissions as follows. You can choose to turn off some or all permissions in the device's settings. In different devices, the permission display method and closing method may be different. For details, please refer to the instructions or guidelines of the device and system developer:

Camera permissions: used for taking pictures, identification verification, QR code scanning

Mobile phone information: In order to ensure your normal use of our services, maintain the normal operation of our services, improve and optimize our service experience and protect your account security, we will collect your personal commonly used device information

Storage permission: used for image upload and download

Microphone permission: used for voice input function

9. How to update this policy

To the extent permitted by the law, Talk123 reserves the right to update or modify this policy from time to time. If our privacy policy changes, we will post the latest version of the privacy policy on Talk123, and it will take effect immediately from the time of publication, so that you can understand the latest privacy policy. You should take the initiative to review the content of this policy. If we make a major change to the privacy policy, we may also send you a separate notice of the change through your contact information, and you should pay attention to it. If the update of this policy results in a substantial reduction of your rights under this policy, and you continue to use our services, it means that you agree to be bound by this revised policy.

10. Legal terms

1. In the event that you accept any of the services provided by China Telecom, this policy constitutes an integral part of the service agreement (whether the agreement is reached orally, in writing or otherwise) and should be considered together with the relevant service agreement. In this case, unless the relevant service agreement expressly excludes its application, the legal terms of this privacy agreement shall be applied first.

2. If personal information is unfortunately leaked due to objective reasons such as legal requirements, force majeure, technical limitations, etc., Talk123 shall not be liable for the losses that users may suffer as a result; where there is a clear attributable first In the case of three parties, Talk123 will assist users to hold the third party accountable. If Talk123 violates the legal requirements, the company or the responsible persons shall bear the relevant legal liabilities in accordance with the law. However, in any case that is not prohibited by law at the time of the claim, as far as the claim based on this policy and the relevant service agreement is concerned, unless it is proven that Talk123 violated the mandatory provisions of the law or made deliberate or gross negligence in causing the loss , Talk123's liability for compensation for losses suffered by users due to leakage of personal information is limited to the actual losses of the users (any unproven or unproven losses or unreasonable related expenses or expenditures shall not be deemed as actual losses), And it must not exceed twice the actual service charge received by China Telecom. In the case where it is impossible to distinguish specific services or if Paper Talk123 does not charge for the service, the liability limit of Paper Talk123 in the aforementioned single breach of contract complaint/claim is limited to RMB 1,000. The above promise of compensation is based on the assumption that the user has no fault. If the user is at fault for the loss, he should be reduced or exempted from the liability of Talk123. In order to avoid disputes, if the user fails to promptly notify Talk123 or take other reasonably expected stop loss measures, Talk123 has the right to claim exemption from liability for compensation for any subsequent losses that may be enlarged; Promised compensation for purely moral damage.

Futaihua Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Hongfujin Precision Electronics (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Foxconn Precision Electronics (Taiyuan) Co., Ltd.

Last updated: February 2024
